Friday, March 27, 2009

All About Myself

I love to reading. I am very much homely. The healthy atmosphere in the house helped me to grow in a very realy cultured way. I had a liking for fighting practice right from my early years. I listened to Islamic song when I was a student of class-IX. I was very polite, amiable and soft-spoken. I used to reply questions so softly that the questioner could hardly hear what I had said. I was very close to my mother. I could do nothing without her.
I always keep my family in the list of my priority in my life. Education comes next. In our house everyone of us has three friends in the family. When we three gossip in the house together, no outsider will understand that the quartet consists of the parents and the kids. We all seem to be equal. We share each others feelings.
I believe in destiny and industry. There is a saying that life, death and marriage are three things which ALLAH alone determines. In my journey of life, I have come across many people, many situations. The thought of finding the man of my dream crossed my mind many a times. But She still remains unsighted. I am sure, she is there somewhere in this world, hopefully waiting for me like I am waiting for her.
I love winter season. I love rain. I love to hear the sound of raining . I love to moving and shower under the sprinkles of rain.
Night itself attracts me greatly. Full moon brings about a joy of happiness in my mind. I am overwhelmed by the translucent beauty of the moon-lit night . Darkness of the night opens up another dimension to the mystery of the universe.
Flower stands for beauty in my concept of aestheticism Of all the flowers, I like Rose,Rajanigandha,Dolonchapa, bokul, kathalchapa and belly.